a group of feathery beings enjoy the sunset together
a lone cormorant gazes out upon a vast blue universe of water and sky

July 22nd – 28th, 2024

w. Bow Not Down To Evil

Bow not down to evil,
for it will take you
as far into suffering
as you allow it.

It is not your friend,
no matter how alluring
his charms,
no matter how appealing
her arguments. ›

I am light,
let my light
fill you,
deep, and deep, and deep,
broad, and broad, and broad,
full, and full, and full,
and interpenetrating
the entirety
of your
individual consciousness.

You will find
this is the only
true pathway.

will teach you this,
let you eternity
begin now.

This Weekly Study-text is one of a cycle of forty-one poems which comprise the book Messages From The Eternal: a book of poetry by d. g. watts © 2021

a turquoise sea below a soft pink sky