a group of feathery beings enjoy the sunset together
a lone cormorant gazes out upon a vast blue universe of water and sky

September 2nd – 8th, 2024

g. Let Me Play With You

Let us play together,
for I am happy,
and want to share my happiness
with you.

The air is full and rich,
spicy and whole;
it wants us to have fun.
Come, let us accept
her invitation,
and dive in,
without reserve.

Go wherever you will,
and I will catch you!
I know where you will turn
before you do,
and delight in your choice. ›

You lead me,
and I lead you,
you go higher than I ,
then I shoot above
where you are,
laughing together
as we go.

The trees call out,
Come, dart through my branches,
explore my nooks
and crannies,
for this is why I have put them there,
so that you may rejoice in them,
and I may cry out with joy
as your love makes me whole.

The leaden, brow-furrowed bipeds
look towards us sometimes.
We sing and call,
but only rarely
do they notice.

When they do,
how wonderful it is
to see them stare and whistle,
run and cavort,
trying so earnestly
to be where we are,
unfortunate, gravity-bound beings
that they are.

Come, let us play together,
and I will show you my soul,
it is beautiful and bright,
spilling over with love
for my fellow travelers,
offering my strong wing
to help them on our way,

This Weekly Study-text is one of a cycle of forty-one poems which comprise the book Messages From The Eternal: a book of poetry by d. g. watts © 2021

a turquoise sea below a soft pink sky